ESTIE: Evidence to Support Safe and Together Implementation and Evaluation Project in NSW


Project Lead

Margaret Kertesz

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What’s this project about?

The ESTIE project aims to build evidence about the Community of Practice Model’s role in implementing the Safe & Together framework to promote collaborative and holistic service provision for children and families living with DFV where parental issues of mental health and/or alcohol and other drug use co-occur.  This action research study aims to simultaneously investigate and develop practitioner and organisational capacity to implement evidence-based guidance (the STACY guidelines), and embed case and other documentation that maps perpetrator patterns, and records the strengths and needs of the non-offending parent and children.


What can we expect to come out of this project?

Guidance for practice where DFV occurs in the context of AOD and/or MH issues from either parent, with a section focussing on documentation.

What has this project achieved so far?

Read all about this project here.