Virginia (Vig) Geddes

Vig is a feminist, activist, and lifelong advocate for women’s rights. She has nearly 40 years’ experience campaigning to address and prevent violence against women and their children. Vig took on a position at the first women’s refuge in Victoria in the late 1970s and was an active participant in the collective effort to secure funding for the first Women’s Refuge Referral Service. She worked at the Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria for 26 years, and 10 years in the role of Executive Officer. Vig’s contribution to raising community awareness of the prevalence of violence against women has made a positive and indelible impact on the communities and organisations she has served. She was inducted into the Victorian Honour Roll of Women for 2016. Vig retired from full-time work in 2015. She continues to promote an equality and rights framework advocating for the safety of women and children, and perpetrator accountability for their use of violence.