My Safety (Children)


Development of an online app to support children experiencing family violence.



Kylie Smith (University of Melbourne)

Kelsey Hegarty (University of Melbourne)

Anita Morris ((University of Melbourne)

Cathy Humphreys ((University of Melbourne)

Leesa Hooker (Latrobe University)



Melbourne research Alliance to End Violence against women and children (MAEVe)

Melbourne Social Equity Institute

Western Health


What is the project about?

The project was aimed at primary school age children (5-12 years) who have experienced family violence. Children and young people experiencing family violence want to talk to someone about the violence and rely on trusted adults to help them. However, responses  to family violence have focused on women as victims, rather than children as victims in their own right.

Mothers are viewed as a great resource to help their children recover from family violence  and mothers want help to communicate with their children about family violence.

What did the project achieve?

The project sought the  views  of  children  and  trusted  adults  in  families  where  children  have  experienced  family  violence to inform  the development  of  a  child-friendly,  culturally  safe  and  age  appropriate  online  safety  planning  app.

The project canvassed the views of children and trusted adults in families where children have experienced family violence, have a communication disability and/or are from a refugee or asylum seeker background. The project will guide the development of a child-friendly, culturally safe and age appropriate tool that can meet the needs of children with communication disabilities.

Links to Resources

University of Melbourne project information

Research poster