A/Prof Lena Sanci

Lena Sanci is the Interim Head of Department, Director of Teaching and Learning, and co-lead of the Children and Young People’s Research Stream, Department of General Practice (DGP), University of Melbourne. She is also a Chief Investigator in the CRE Making Adelescent Health Services Work in the Digital Age, as well as the Safer Families CRE.

Lena is a GP with a commitment to improving the health and well-being of children and young people through primary care, and its integration with other parts of the health, education, and welfare sectors. She is currently leading a training and support tender for the general practitioners and nurses creating primary care services for 100 secondary schools in the Victorian Government's school based health services program 2015 - 2019.

She oversees the Department’s Primary Care Network of around 1000 practices of which over 450 are actively teaching at any one time and over 200 are involved in research projects with the department; 100 of these practices are also part of the Victorian practice based Research Network (VicRen). She works clinically at Family Planning Victoria’s Action Centre (teen sexual and reproductive health clinic).